Dope Chick With Ambition! Podcast
Dope Chick With Ambition! Podcast is the dose of motivational dopeness that everyone needs in their lives. Candi Hussle is for the ladies first, but ambitious men are encouraged to tune in. D.C.W.A Podcast is the space where gems are dropped, relatable topics discussed and conversations with Dope Chicks With Ambition take place. Welcome to Dope Chick With Ambition! Podcast. Get ready to be Motivated & Entertained! - Candi Hussle 💕🌹
Dope Chick With Ambition! Podcast
When it comes to braiding she has gifted hands: “ A black girl & her braids” Ft Deonna Simon Owner of Dee’s Beauties
🚨 NEW PODCAST 🚨 Track 95 is 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄!
One thing I don’t play about is my hair!! For episode 95 I chat with professional braider Deonna Simon owner of Dee’s Beauties.
Industry: Beauty ( Braider )
Located: Lithona, GA
Description: In episode 95 Deonna and I discuss her journey offering braid services, pros and cons of being a braider, including God in her business plans & more. If you are looking for a Braider please be sure contact @Deesbeauties and tell her Candi sent you! Dee did my butt length knotless braids for my bday and I am stuck like chuck! I received lots of compliments on my braids and she handled me with care! Ep 95 “ A black girl & her braids” is now available for your listening pleasure.
Listen: click 🔗 in bio + @applepodcasts @spotifypodcasts + @iheartradio
Remember to subscribe, download, leave a comment, rate this podcast and SHARE. xo- Candi Hussle
Engineered by Ronnie
Location: Patchwerk Studio Atlanta, GA
Follow On Social Media
Instagram: @DopeChickWithAmbition
Twitter: @DCWAPodcast